How Bokashi Composting Is A Simple Step In The Right Direction

And you can start today for less than $50

Ellen Quirke
Age of Awareness


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A third of the food produced for human consumption is wasted every year and if food waste was a country it would be the third-highest emitter of green house gases globally.

Food Wastage

Food wastage is a global problem that is scientifically proven to be a significant factor in global warming and climate change. It affects all of us and the world we are building for our future generations.

With so much rhetoric around more “visible” contributors of GHG emissions such as vehicles, factories and animal agriculture; the contribution of food waste is often overlooked.

Improving farming processes, supply chains and human attitude will all reduce the amount of food that is wasted every year. However, a certain level of food waste is inevitable, especially if we include food going past its best or food scraps that are generated through meal preparation and cooking.

This has lead to the need to identify ways we can harness our food wastage and utilize it to offset its negative impacts.

Soil Is More Than…



Ellen Quirke
Age of Awareness

Living a sustainable life and writing about my experience. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Get my free sustainability eGuide