How Breaking Your Good Habits Now Can Create Stronger, Healthier Habits in the Future

Michal Bernolak
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2019


Nobody wants to break perfectly healthy habits on purpose. I did.

Photo by Giancarlo Revolledo on Unsplash

Whether you are training for a marathon, writing a book, or strictly following a healthy diet, there comes a time where you might fall off the wagon.

A lot of people try to stay on track and consecutively mark productive days on the calendar. Whenever we miss a day due to unforeseen circumstances or take a day off for rest, we might be hard on ourselves and urgently reassure our anxious mind that we will be back at it the next day.

Sometimes, we end up having to take more time off than intended. Instead of one day, it spirals into two or three, maybe even a week. At the end of the week you might be thinking “well, I haven’t done anything productive for 6 days, so whats another day”. That’s how the spiral begins. We’ve all been there before. Weeks turn to months, and before you know it, you almost forget what its like to be on track and to be productive.

On a streak? Good. Break it.

Photo by Adam Tinworth on Unsplash



Michal Bernolak
Age of Awareness

In the process of self discovery. I learned to write for over a year, but am now learning to code.