How do I Convince My Husband/Partner that Homeschooling is Best for Our Child?

You don’t. They have to convince you that a brick-and-mortar school is best.

Ann Rickert Leach
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2023


Image created by Ann Leach

Most of the time when the “How do I convince my partner/husband/the children’s dad that homeschooling is a valid and better option? question comes up, it is a woman (the mum) trying to convince a man (the dad). So that’s how I’m going to frame this response.

Another key factor that is often part of this scenario is the mum has the position of being the hands-on parent, the primary parent, and the one who makes 99% of the child-rearing decisions. Most of the time, up until the children’s education pathway came into question, the dad was happy to leave the majority of the decision-making to the mum.

But now that we’re talking education decisions that aren’t mainstream (yet), Mum isn’t qualified to make the decisions and Dad gets the final say?

Most of the time, Mum has done literally hours and hours and hours of research through conversations, books, blogs, YT channels, films, and podcasts. This is not an off-the-cuff option she is throwing out for grins and giggles.



Ann Rickert Leach
Age of Awareness

Book author and article writer, Unplugged Fun owner; Outdoor & physical activity enthusiast, Living best life adventurer, Curious learner