How Giving a Gap Year Was One of the Best Decisions of My Life

And why you should decide on taking a gap year.

Sude Hammal
Age of Awareness


Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash

Gap years are popular amongst students who pass from high school to university or university to grad school, with the aim of having time to decide on their career path, maybe travel the world, and try a bunch of new things to see what they’re really passionate about.

I was first hesitant and indecisive about doing a gap year myself, as it also meant losing a year and getting behind my peers on the career ladder.

But on the flip side, it meant living my youth longer, having a more confident decision in my career path, and experiencing a bunch!

Especially after graduating from an open-ended major such as psychology, where you can find yourself in drastically different career paths depending on what you choose in the field, I felt like it was essential for me to give this one-year break.

Looking back after 1 year since I made this decision, here are the reasons why I think it was the right decision for me to give a gap year, how it became one of the most fulfilling years of my life and benefited me in numerous ways.

I more confidently decided on my career path



Sude Hammal
Age of Awareness

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: