How I Am Inspiring My Child to Graduate from College Debt-Free

The idea of my son being weighed down by crushing college debt was keeping me awake at night.

May Y. Yang
Age of Awareness


A picture of two male college students studying.
Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels

We thought our son had put himself in a great position for college. He had a 3.8 high school GPA, was president of student council, volunteered in the community, and earned a 29 on his ACT. Surely, the college scholarships would come rolling in, right? Wrong.

Two private schools offered him generous scholarships, but their tuitions were extremely high. We would still have to come up with a lot of money to cover the difference. State universities were a better choice, but most of their scholarships were first generation and financial needs-based.

He is the youngest of our four children. He has always been a good kid and a hard worker. Like most parents, my husband and I were willing to sign on the dotted line for him and us to take on overwhelming student loans.

But then COVID happened. We learned that as an incoming freshman, our son would have to live on campus even though classes would be virtual that entire year. I could not not justify going into debt for him to live on campus to take classes online.

I started reading and listening to heartbreaking stories about student loan debt…



May Y. Yang
Age of Awareness

English teacher, book author, content writer, copy editor, and assessment developer. Enjoys being home, cake, and walking. Email: