How I Found My Way Towards True Daily Joy

It’s actually much simpler than we think.

Alix A.
Age of Awareness


Photo by Arusfly 🌿 on Unsplash

I wake up every morning feeling well-rested and full of inner calm. I joyfully get out of bed. I feel centered. Balanced.

Some days are better than others, but deep down I feel stable. I have shaped the life I was craving. It has been a long process, requiring tons of self-awareness and questioning. It has sometimes been painful. I even felt completely lost from time to time.

I wanted to live according to the person I am, the person I am creating day after day. That’s what brings me real joy every day. Taking the necessary steps to achieve what I want, to go where I want to go, and to do what I want to do.

This is how I found my way towards true, daily joy.

I lived with my eyes shut

We grow up on autopilot. The adults around us organize and structure our lives. We have nothing to do but follow the rules. It is sometimes frustrating when your desires are not in tune with the rules, but at least it is peaceful. You don’t have to think.

You go to school because you have to. You put up with long class days that sometimes make you want to stay in bed in the morning. You work hard at this internship that doesn’t put sparks in your eyes. And…



Alix A.
Age of Awareness

I write about feeling good in one's body and mind.