How I Saved +21 Hours/Week

Mahdi Badjelmane
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2023
Saving 3 Hours a Day

Even though I am not addicted to social media, I still used to spend +6 hours a day on my phone.

Every time I check screen-time usage, I get surprised!

The thing is, most of it was spent on YouTube, watching educational videos and podcasts.

But still, that wasn’t a good use of my time. I needed execution more than I needed more information.

The 2nd most used app was Instagram, but it’s not what you think.

I don’t have the attitude of scrolling through the feed or reels; I log in to Instagram mostly to respond to DMs.

I wasn’t satisfied with that, so I decided to take action and do something about it.

I decided to reduce my phone usage to max 3 hours per day.

I achieved it the next day, and I still do to this day (it has been nearly 3 months).

Screenshot from my phone.

And that’s how I saved +21 a week just by cutting the time I spend on my phone 🙂

By the way, I did it without locking my phone in another room or removing social media apps.

Want to learn how? Continue reading 👇

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Note: This short guide is inspired from my own experience, you may have to adjust it to suit your own situation.

Get Your Mindset Right 🧠

Before we talk about the method, we need to think about utilizing smartphones the right way.

Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash

Your phone is just a tool, nothing more than that. Think of it as a tool you use to complete specific tasks.

Not a close friend who you call every 15 minutes.

That’ll make it easier for you not to pick it up often.


If you have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), and you’re constantly checking stories of celebrities and friends, you need to solve that problem.

Photo by Jonas Lee on Unsplash

I easily reduced my phone-usage because I am not addicted to social media; I just needed time management.

It can be more challenging for you, but that’s normal; do something about it.

This is the perfect opportunity!

Don’t Use Stupid Tactics

I am not a big fan of locking your phone in a room or a box.

We want to keep it beside you, but you don’t touch it for hours, and you don’t want to.

Removing social media apps won’t get you so far.

How To Reduce Phone-Usage

Now, I’ll share with you the steps I took to cut my phone-usage in half.

They are very important, and feel free to add your own rules.

Think Twice Before You Pick It Up

Put your phone relatively far from your hand reach, and ensure the screen faces the floor.

Every time you attempt to pick up your phone, ask yourself:

  • What do I need it for?
  • Is it really important for me right now? Can it wait?
Decision Making Progress Roadmap

If you do that for enough days, you’ll no longer check your phone unconsciously.

Turn Wifi Connection Off

Before you start working and before you go to bed, make sure to turn internet connection off.

You need to eliminate distractions, and cutting social media notifications is necessary.

Take control over your behavior and attention, nothing can’t distract you unless you give it permission.

Use Your Computer Instead

Some activities can be done on your PC instead of your phone, including responding to DMs.

That will prevent you from getting hooked for an unexpected time.

If you work from your personal computer, this will be easier to implement, and will have a huge impact.

Track Your Performance

One way to hold yourself accountable is to check phone usage frequently; that’s how you ensure you’re on track.

Checking phone-usage frequently allows you to feel responsible for the time you spend on your phone.

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