How Many Tesla Coils Does It Take to Fix the Ozone?

The answer will surprise you

Alfie Jane
Age of Awareness


Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Picture it. A machine that makes lightning when you push a button. It doesn’t look like the picture, but it does shoot lightning out of the top of the machine. One purple lightning bolt reaching out to anything.

The start of my curiosity

A quick bit of backstory. My fiance builds tesla coils for a living. He makes them and sells them on eBay.

One day, I went in his work shed while he was testing out one of his machines. One of the experiments he does is hold an LED lightbulb as close as he can while he’s pushing the button. As he did it, I smelled something. It’s hard to describe the smell of it.

“Oh, that’s ozone!” he said. The same ozone is floating around the planet.

Real lightning makes ozone. Tesla coil lightning can do the same thing. So that got me thinking.

How many tesla coils does it take to repair the ozone layer?

Basic ozone knowledge

According to the EPA, the ozone layer shields the Earth from harmful radiation from the sun, especially UVB rays. UVB rays can lead to skin cancer, cataracts, and crop and marine life harm.

