How Much Exercise Do You Really Need to Get Fitter?

Counter intuitive results from personal data


Unfortunately in society when we talk about fitness or getting fit, we often think of something like this:

Source: US Army

We’ve seen so many montages from the Rocky movies and so much Crossfit footage that we assume to “get fit” means that you have to join a gym and annihilate yourself every training session, to the point you’re lying in a puddle of your sweat and questioning the reason for your existence. If your lungs aren’t on fire with sweat pouring out of you, you’re just not training hard enough and your workout isn’t useful.

No wonder people see it as an impossible goal and struggle to even take the first step.

I have good news for you though. Believe it or not, the reality is actually a far cry from this mentality. That doesn’t mean you’re going to get fit walking to the mailbox every day, but as is often the case, the middle path is far more effective than the extremes.

What does it really mean to “get fitter?”

