How the Hustle Culture Creates Unnecessary Stress During Quarantine

Examining our addiction to productivity under a global pandemic

Age of Awareness


Photo by Temitayo Aina on Unsplash

If you don’t come out of this quarantine with either:

1.) a new skill

2.) starting what you’ve been putting off like a new business

3.) more knowledge

You didn’t ever lack the time, you lacked the discipline

You might have come across this blurb on social media sometime this month and either agreed with it or shook your head with disapproval.

This popular blurb, first posted by a personal branding expert on Twitter, has been trending on social media and it has received just as much backlash as it has received support. Although it advocates for making the most of our time, it ignores the dramatic changes that we are undergoing during the global pandemic not to mention the personal struggles that some of us may be going through at the moment. More than anything, it highlights the unhealthy nature of what is known as the hustle culture — the glorification of constantly working and obsession with striving — by inexplicably shaming those who does not live by its standards.

The hustle culture is no strange concept to many of us. We may all have been…

