How to apply for a Master’s degree in the United States.

Here is all that you need to know to apply for your MS/MEM program in the US.

Age of Awareness
5 min readSep 11, 2021


Picture credits- Google.

Whether you are highly motivated or in a fear of an approaching deadline, this post can help you get started with your Master’s application.

Step 1: Short-list Universities:

You need to know what you are aiming for. Therefore, the best way to get started with your Master’s application is to shortlist some Universities which you’d like to target.

You can check USNews and QSWorld rankings to know about the best Universities for the program that you’ll be applying for. Once you find a University, you should go to the University’s website and check for their admission requirements, fee structure, scholarships, location, professors, labs, TA/RA opportunity, and application deadlines. Once you have picked the Universities that interest you, you can fill the following excel sheet to get a rough idea about the Universities that you target, their cutoffs, deadlines, fees, and faculties.

Step 2: Plan your finances.

Look at the fee structure, scholarship opportunities, and get a rough estimate of the I-20 amount for the Universities that you’re targeting. If you are from India, make sure the I-20 amount is 1.5 times your savings by the time you’ll be applying for a visa. Your educational loan can be collateral-based or non-collateral-based.

Step 3: See how you can improve your profile and get a strong letter of recommendation.

Now that you know what the requirements for your dream University are, do an analysis and see if you want to improve your scores depending on your availability and deadline. For instance, you can retake your GRE, work on your CGPA or gain some relevant work experience.

Picture credits- Google.

Reach out to your professors and Managers who can attest to your capabilities. Request them to recommend you for your program via a formal email. If required, fix an appointment and meet them in person.

Step 4: Update your Linkedin and expand your network with the alumni or students from your dream / Ambi Universities.

Linkedin is an amazing platform to expand your network. You can leverage Linkedin to connect with the students from the Universities that you are targetting.

So, keep your profile updated and send requests to alumni or students. After they accept your request, go ahead and introduce yourself. Ask them if they have time to answer your questions about the program or give some pointers for the application.

If you want to know more about profile building and networking, check this YouTube Channel.

Step 5: Update your CV / Resume :

Here are some of the questions that you’ve to ask yourself while editing your project/internship / extracurricular section in your CV.

  1. Where and when did you work on this project? Did you work under a professor or at an organization?
  2. What was the project about? How did you approach the problem?
  3. What technologies did you use to solve the problem? ( Excel, Python, ML, Tableau, etc )
  4. Can your results and achievements be quantified?
  5. How did you display your results? ( eg: Tableau, Data Visualization Techniques)
  6. Have you presented or published your project? If yes, then you must attach the link to the PPT, Project report, or Publication. Don’t forget that reviewers love to click on links!

Make sure you convey your points 2, 3, and 4 in two or three bullet points. Try as much as you can to gather data and quantify your achievements and results.

if you are looking for some free resume templates, check this website.

Step 6: Craft that winning SOP:

If you find this relatable, you are on the right path.

SOP is a chance to tell your story. You should make sure that your SOP has addressed the following questions.

  • What motivated you to pursue a certain career path?
  • What have you done so far towards your goal?
  • How are the University and the program going to take you closer to your goals?
  • Why are you the right fit for the program?

Start your SOP with a structure in mind. Decide on how many paragraphs you are going to write and what each one should convey. Brainstorm as much as you can to gather relevant personal experiences, achievements, projects, work experience, courses, extracurricular activities, etc. Think about what your interests are, what kind of job you’d want to do, how you’d like to see yourself in the next three years. Make a list of what you’ve done in terms of projects, internships, courses, to achieve your goal. Recollect how and when your goal was conceived. Think about how this Master’s program can bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be.

Mention why you choose this particular program ( You can mention the courses offered, internships, workshops, or career guidance ) and University ( You can write about the international exposure, alumni network, career guidance, students, professors, labs, and projects ).

Then start your draft without worrying too much about the word limit. Once you are done with your initial draft, make sure you have stuck to the initial structure that you framed.

The next step would be to fine-tune your SOP by cutting down unnecessary words and sentences. Try to convey your message effectively in simple sentences.

Finally, make sure you get your draft reviewed by a group of honest people. This will help you gain new perspectives and can also help in enhancing the draft.

Step 7: Work on Essays / Personal statements / Interviews.

Most of the management programs and data science programs will have additional essays and personal statements. If you’ve spent enough time introspection while writing your SOP, you must be able to give a good response to the essay questions.

If you’re called for an interview, make sure you are well prepared for it. Talk to people who have given the interview and ask them about their experiences. Use the STAR method while answering questions during the interview.

Step 8: Choosing your admits:

Choosing your admits can be affected by a lot of factors: scholarships, fee structure, location, proximity to industries, living expenses, alumni network, return on investment, research opportunities. Take a well-informed decision by considering all of these.

So, that’s about it! Reach out to me if you have any questions on LinkedIn or comment below.

P.S. I followed these steps and actually received an admit from my Dream University but due to personal reasons, I was not able to join.

