How to be naked in the town square

And other ways of rewiring the global industrial complex

B. Lorraine Smith
Age of Awareness


Local graffiti reminds me of the five ways to make working vulnerably worth it. (Photo by author / June 2023)

We’re told to create like nobody’s watching. But if we’re creating a new economy where all life thrives, I say: Create like everyone’s watching. Imagine a crowd gathering, one with questions and doubtful expressions. Pursue clarity like the sheriff could demand a detailed explanation any minute. Prepare to explain every decision as if life depends on it.

To create like this, these five Ws help me stay the course in spite of feeling at times like I’m standing naked in the town square, uninvited, of questionable origins and unknown intent.

Working and Wondering out loud, Weird, Whatever, and… Wait for it.

These five Ws are not the typical ones we’ve seen before (who, what, where, when and why) although they help answer those questions indirectly.

What’s with these ways?

My job is to infuse a vision of a life-affirming economy into the mindset of industrial decision makers, and to lift up evidence of this economy wherever I can.

It’s a strange job. No one hired me. And yet I feel a lot of pressure to get this right. Sure, some personal pressure so that I can feed my cat and keep a…



B. Lorraine Smith
Age of Awareness

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.