How to Create Inspiring Content, Without Repeating Anybody Else

Why inauthentic writing cheats your readers and yourself

Michael Howkins
Age of Awareness


Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash

It takes a lot of work to make a decent living off of writing. Some writers can sit in front of a blank screen and watch as divine insight comes pouring out. Others have to plaster post-it notes around the house and read three books a week just to stay inspired.

Then there are those who might not have a natural talent or make no effort to create something original. These are people who tend to write only what’s already been written about; but more precisely, who say what’s already been said.

To be clear, I’m not disparaging anyone.

We’re all human. We all want to avoid suffering and experience pleasure. We’re all subjected to the same trends and fads. We’ve all been affected by the coronavirus.

So It makes sense that many of us will be writing about the same issues. Enter any major bookshop or library and you will see multiple books on the same subject. But this doesn’t mean that some of them won’t contain original ideas or offer a unique perspective.

When it comes to your writing, it’s your own, individual experience that matters. It’s your unique and personal perspective that counts.



Michael Howkins
Age of Awareness

I write for several publications, including The Startup and The Ascent. A lifelong seeker. I write about what it means to live consciously and authentically.