How to Cut Your Own Hair for Men

Barbers are closed for the foreseeable future. Can I really cut my own hair?

N.J. Elliott
Age of Awareness


Photo by ANDI WHISKEY on Unsplash

One aspect of life on lockdown is the inability to get to the barbers. Unless you were fortunate to have had a haircut not long before our lives were consumed by COVID 19, it's likely your hair is out of control.

So what do I do about my hair? Do I just let it grow? Can I really cut my own hair? Can I trust my partner/father/sister with a pair of scissors and a 20-year-old hair trimmer?

Now there is a reason we go to the barbers. They do a remarkable, highly skilled and underappreciated job, so do not expect greatness. However, under the absence of any alternative, the reality is yes you can cut your own hair. There is no other choice.

The key is to keep it simple and get your hands on a proper hair trimming set. Do not use your beard trimmer!

There are two main options when cutting your own hair

  1. Buzzcut to one length
  2. Shave the back and sides and blend into the top.

There are pro’s and con’s of each approach — The first approach is certainly easier, but also less fun.

Here is some advice on cutting your own hair.

Option 1 — The…



N.J. Elliott
Age of Awareness

Writer. The war on drugs, mental health, education, psychedelics, and others.