How to Discover Your Ikigai; The Purpose of Your Life

3 subtle but simple steps to get you closer to your life purpose

Ahsan Chaudhry
Age of Awareness


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Ikigai means your life purpose. First understand that you don’t create your life purpose you discover it.

Finding your life purpose seems like a gigantic, spiritual and a fairy tale task. It is difficult to understand and tedious to follow through. I will try to make it as simple as possible.

We all have our purpose or Ikigai. The first thing to learn is about yourself. What you like? What you dislike? What makes you happy and what makes you sad? And most importantly why?

Make list, as long as possible. Write all the things that come to your mind. Then go through them one by one, asking yourself why certain feeling is associated with each one of them. They answer to that why will lead you to Ikigai.

Finding Your Ikigai Is a Journey

People think that finding their lkigai or life purpose is going to be an event. If you think that too you are wrong. You have to take a journey or sometimes journeys. The most significant journey you will ever take is within yourself.

Some people travel, some learn something, and some people choose a career. But many of them fail to use these…



Ahsan Chaudhry
Age of Awareness

I Love to write about life, health and investment. Twitter: @ahsan38, Free Newsletter: