9 Steps To Do Your First Pull-Up

The strength-building process for pull-ups, with gifs

Rajeet S
Fighting Fit


Image by Pavel Jurča from Pixabay

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The pull-up/chin-up is one of the cornerstones of bodyweight training, along with the push-up and the tricep dip. Out of the three the chin-up is the toughest to perform, but starting out slow and with a bit of practice, it’s not too difficult to get there.

When I started working out properly I couldn’t even do one chin-up. I’d been doing light work outs for years; press ups, sit ups, free weights, running, but I was embarrased with myself when a trainer asked me to do a chin-up and I couldn’t get up there.

I realised body-weight training is key and being able to pull all your weight up with just your hands naturally trains your muscles and builds a base of strength. I went through a process of building my strength — it was slow but it was worth it. I can now pull-up easily, even if I haven’t worked out for a while.

Before practicing any new exercise, though, please consult a qualified fitness professional to get the best advice for your body type, goals and to ensure your exercise form is correct. Always maintain good form. Incorrect form whilst exercising can result in injury.



Rajeet S
Fighting Fit

Rajeet enjoys mixing cocktails and bombarding strangers with philosophy.