How to Effectively Structure a Blog Post

The three components every blog post needs

Penny Zang
Age of Awareness


Writing a blog post isn’t difficult. As long as you have a forum, most likely your personal website, you can create as many blog posts as you want on any subject you want. You can share links, promote your own work, and wax poetic about your passions — and people will read it. It’s pretty cool, actually. Blogs have opened so many doors for writers including book deals, working relationships, and even money through affiliate marketing.

Here’s the problem: most blog posts fall short on several levels. I’ve written about this before, but it boils down to the fact that many writers forget the basics of written communication when crafting a blog post. Purpose and audience matter, but so does organization. Focusing on three main organizational components — the introduction, body, and conclusion — will help your blog stand out.

Note: I’m not talking about personal blogging (a.k.a journaling for your own personal enjoyment). I’m referring to bloggers who hope to gain an audience and use their blog content to serve their business or promote their work in some way.

While there are many articles on SEO and blog promotion, the basics of structuring a blog post sometimes get ignored. Content is king, as so many say. Your content isn’t going…



Penny Zang
Age of Awareness

English professor in SC and book nerd. Debut novel: Doll Parts, forthcoming from Sourcebooks, 2025.