How To Find Your Life Purpose With Your Magnum Opus

And why it’s essential to get your dream job

Yvette Brand
Age of Awareness


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Are you dreading going to work everyday and do you instantly get depressed by the sound of your alarm in the morning? You are not alone. Most people are not happy in their jobs, but yet can’t find the courage or motivation to quit. You may have financial commitments, think you are not good enough for something else, or you are simply just stuck in your comfort zone. But wouldn’t it be great to make money while doing something you love as well?

This may sound like a distant dream and only accessible to priviliged people. But finding your dream job is possible for everyone! You just have to find your Magnum Opus.

What is Magnum Opus?

Magnum Opus is somebody’s greatest life achievement. It’s the perfect combination of passion, talent and hard work. It needs a bit of destiny too: your Magnum Opus may not come to you until you are at the right time and the right place in your life. But you reading this article may just do the trick to find your Magnum Opus. Your Magnum Opus is your legacy. The thing people talk about after you’re long gone. It is your life’s work that you are most proud of.

Hating your current job or career might be exactly what you need to start thinking…



Yvette Brand
Age of Awareness

Digital Slowmad, Spiritual Seeker & Founder of I write about psychedelics, spirituality, personal growth & travel.