Decision Making / Life

How to Make Decisions Like a CEO

Here’s the breakdown you can steal and use today

Age of Awareness
Published in
8 min readJun 23, 2024


Zohvib. How to Make Decisions Like a CEO
Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay

“Every choice we make, makes us.” — John C.

It’s a truth I live by, both as a writer deeply immersed in the world of personal growth and as a CEO steering my writing studio.

Every decision is a journey, not just in business but in life’s rich tapestry.

Think about it: the clarity of a CEO’s decision-making, but in your personal life. Intriguing, isn’t it?

In my dual role, I’ve learned this firsthand.

Decisions are more than choices; they’re the architects of our destiny.

I don’t just think twice about every choice. I ponder a hundred times, (if not thousand) each from a new angle.

Decisions are like crossroads, each path leading to a new adventure.

In my writing, I explore these paths. As a CEO, I choose them meticulously.

This isn’t about corporate strategies. It’s about the art of making life’s choices.

Balancing heart and mind — that’s the CEO’s secret.

I’ve applied this to both my writing and leadership. It’s about sieving through the chaos, finding the essence.

We all can do this. It’s about tuning into our inner compass.

Steve Jobs said,

“Decisions are made from a place of love, not fear.”

This resonates with me.

Every decision, whether for my readers or my company, springs from passion. When we choose from the heart, we touch the extraordinary.

This journey we’re on — it’s about unlocking the CEO within us.

Each choice, whether in words or actions, is a stitch in our life’s fabric.

In my dual world of writing and leading, I’ve woven these stitches with care.

As we dive into this exploration, remember: each decision shapes not just today, but all our tomorrows.

Let’s make decisions that echo our deepest desires, sculpting a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Don’t make every decision

Casey Stengel once humorously remarked,

“The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate you away from those who are still undecided.”

This quote, albeit lighthearted, hints at a profound truth in decision-making.

Not every decision demands your direct involvement.

This is a lesson I’ve learned both as a CEO and as a writer deeply invested in personal growth.

In the realm of CEOs, delegation is an art.

It’s about knowing which battles to fight and which to bypass.

In our personal lives, this translates to discerning which choices truly merit our attention.

It’s about filtering the noise to focus on what genuinely matters.

Picture this: You’re inundated with decisions daily. But imagine stepping back. Assess each one. Ask yourself:

“Is this crucial for my journey?”

This isn’t avoidance. It’s strategic selection.

Remember, every ‘yes’ to something trivial is a ‘no’ to something significant. CEOs understand this trade-off well.

They delegate to focus on decisions that align with their core objectives. We can apply the same principle in our lives.

There’s an old saying, “Choose your battles wisely.

It’s about recognizing that not every decision shapes your destiny. Some choices are like passing clouds, irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Identify these. Let them go.

You might wonder, “How do I decide what to decide?

Start by understanding your values and goals. Align your decisions with these.

If a choice doesn’t serve your purpose, perhaps it’s not yours to make.

Consider the CEO who must focus on the company’s vision. Similarly, focus on your personal vision.

It’s about honing in on decisions that propel you forward.

And when it comes to the decisions you make, invest in them fully.

Delve deep. Understand their implications.

Just like a CEO, approach each decision with a blend of intuition and analysis.

Not every decision warrants your energy.

Reserve your focus for choices that truly matter.

This is the art of strategic selection, a key to living a life marked by purpose and clarity.

Act swiftly

Napoleon Bonaparte once said,

“Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.”

This sentiment is a cornerstone in the realm of decision-making, especially following the art of selective attention we previously discussed.

Once you’ve filtered through the clutter, choosing what truly deserves your focus, the next step is critical; swift action.

In a world brimming with distractions, decisiveness is a superpower.

It’s not about rashness, but about informed agility.

CEOs know this.

They often make pivotal decisions swiftly, understanding that time is a non-renewable resource.

In our personal lives, this principle holds equal weight.

Think about it. You’ve identified what matters. Now, it’s about momentum.

Delay can often be the graveyard of good intentions. The key is to act before the window of opportunity closes.

Just as a CEO must capitalize on market trends, we must seize our personal moments.

It’s a delicate dance of timing and intuition. You’ve sifted through decisions.

You’ve pinpointed the vital few. Now, it’s about moving forward with confidence.


Perfection is often the enemy of progress.

A timely decision, even with some ambiguity, is better than a perfect one too late.

Consider this: every moment spent in indecision is a moment lost. CEOs understand the cost of hesitation.

In our personal journeys, this translates to lost opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Swift action, however, is not about hurried choices. It’s about prompt, yet considered decisions.

Like a seasoned CEO, we need to weigh our options quickly and move forward.

This is where intuition plays a role. Trusting your gut, combined with your selective focus, can lead to impactful decisions.

So, once you’ve decided what to decide, the next step is to act and act promptly.

This doesn’t mean rushing through life. It means embracing each decision with a sense of urgency and purpose.

Like a CEO navigating through the corporate world, let’s navigate our lives with the same decisiveness and promptness.

Here lies the secret to not just making decisions, but making them count.

Decisions depend on “what”

“Choices are the hinges of destiny.” — Pythagoras once stated.

This step is crucial. Deciding quickly is one thing, but knowing what to decide upon is the real game-changer.

In the world of CEOs, every decision is a calculated step towards a defined goal.

Similarly, in our personal lives, the ‘what’ in our decisions should align with our ultimate objectives.

It’s about setting clear, intentional targets.

Imagine this: You’re at the helm, steering the ship of your life.

Each decision is a course correction, a move toward your desired destination.

The ‘what’ is your compass, guiding these choices.

In my journey as a CEO, I’ve learned the power of targeted decisions.

It’s not about making random choices. It’s about making choices that propel you towards your goals.

Think of it as a strategic alignment.

You might wonder, “How do I determine what to decide on?

Start by asking yourself:

  • What are my goals?
  • What am I aiming to achieve?
  • What…? What…?

Whether it’s personal development, a healthier lifestyle, or career advancement, your decisions should reflect these aspirations.

Consider the specificity a CEO must maintain. They focus on decisions that enhance the company’s growth.

Apply the same specificity to your life.

Focus on decisions that nurture your growth.

This approach transforms decision-making from a task to a targeted strategy.

It’s no longer about just choosing paths. It’s about choosing paths that lead you to your desired outcomes.

Remember, every decision is a step in a direction. Make sure it’s the direction you want to go.

Just like a CEO, align your decisions with your vision. This alignment is the key to not just making decisions, but making the right decisions.

After identifying the need for swift action, the next step is to define the ‘what’ in your decisions.

This is about more than just making choices; it’s about making choices that matter.

Decisions also depend on “why”

Your ‘why’ defines your ‘what.’ — Simon Sinek.

Understanding the ‘why’ behind our decisions is like peering into the engine room of a ship; it’s where the true power lies.

As we have navigated the ‘what’ of our decisions, let’s delve deeper into the ‘why’, the driving force that gives them meaning and direction.

In the world of effective leaders and CEOs, the ‘why’ is their compass.

It’s not just about making decisions; it’s about understanding the reasons behind them.

This concept is equally vital in our personal lives. Every decision we make, every path we choose, is underpinned by our ‘why’.

Think of it this way: You’ve identified what needs your attention. Now, ask yourself, “Why is this important to me?

This introspection transforms your decision from a mere choice to a purposeful action. It’s about aligning your decisions with your core values and beliefs.

In my dual role as a CEO and writer, the ‘why’ is what connects my decisions to my goals and values.

It’s the reason that transforms work into passion. Each choice, whether it’s a new article topic or a business strategy, stems from my deeper purpose.

Identifying your ‘why’ can be a journey of self-discovery. It’s about peeling back the layers to find the core of your motivation.

Are you driven by personal growth, the pursuit of knowledge, or the desire to impact others?

Your ‘why’ is the heartbeat of your decisions.

For leaders, the ‘why’ often centers on creating a legacy, driving innovation, or fostering community.

For you, it might be about shaping a life you love, nurturing relationships, or chasing dreams.

When your decisions are rooted in this ‘why’, they become more than choices; they become steps in the story you’re writing for your life.

Uncovering your ‘why’ involves introspection and honesty. Reflect on what makes you feel alive, what challenges you, and what brings you joy.

Your ‘why’ is there, in the moments that define you, in the dreams that drive you.

Ultimately, understanding the ‘why’ in your decision-making brings clarity, passion, and authenticity.

The Aftermath

As we wrap up our exploration of decision-making with the precision and insight of a CEO, let’s distill the essence of what we’ve uncovered:

  • Prioritize wisely — Not every decision demands your attention. Like a CEO, focus on the decisions that align with your goals and values.
  • Act with agility — Once you’ve identified what matters, act swiftly. Timely decisions often outweigh the perfect ones.
  • Align decisions with goals — Ensure that your decisions (the ‘what’) are in harmony with your aspirations and life objectives.
  • Find your why — The ‘why’ behind your decisions is their driving force. It’s the purpose that gives depth to your choices.

In the end, making decisions like a CEO isn’t just about business tactics; it’s about adopting a mindset that values clarity, purpose, and decisiveness.

It’s about understanding that every choice we make shapes our personal narrative and the world around us.

So, as you navigate the complexities of life, embrace these principles and watch as your decisions transform into powerful steps toward a fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.


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Age of Awareness

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