How to manage your finances in your 20’s so you have wealth in your 30's

Marcus Tan
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readMay 9, 2021


Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

If you are in your 20’s you may probably be wondering how the heck do I make it in life? Regardless, if you are a new graduate from university or have been working a few years in your corporate job you may find it pretty daunting. After all, the cost of living is exorbitantly high with high rent, and huge student loans to pay off. Having a college degree does not hold the same level of esteem it once did during your parent's generation. It has now become a pre-requisite rather than a recognition of one’s academic achievement.

Back in the ’70s, and 80’s a university graduate would be able to afford a small decent apartment of their own once they started their new job, with a relatively decent standard of living on a degree holder’s salary. This can’t be said about the new graduates nowadays.

Most people nowadays are well into their 30’s still living at home with their parents while trying to save for a mortgage. So why is that? Has inflation gone through the roof and the cost of living increased so drastically, that we have to pay huge rent, loans and live paycheck to paycheck all the time?

Fretting and complaining won’t change anything, but there are some practical things that you can do as a young person to get yourself ahead.

