How To Prepare For A Smooth Psychedelic Trip šŸŒˆ ā€” The Ultimate Checklist

Especially if itā€™s your first time.

Paula Romeu
Age of Awareness


Photo by cottonbro in pexels

Hello, Sailor of the Mind!

You are somebody curious about exploring your own mind and are considering doing it through altered states of consciousnessā€¦

Maybe youā€™ve done meditation or yoga before and now want to dig deeper and experiment with psychedelic drugs.

Thereā€™s a whole inner new world waiting to be discovered.

But as any wise explorer, you need to prepare wisely for the journey ahead.

My credentials to write this are having taken every psychedelic I could get my hands on, being fascinated by them from day dot and spending the last decade reading and learning deeply about them. My experiences have been mostly a.m.a.z.i.n.g with a few odd ā€œbad tripsā€ I wouldnā€™t label that because overcoming them certainly taught me the most.

Iā€™d love to hear about your biggest worries/fears around the subject in the comments. This will help me understand what aspects of it need further developing so you can feel safe before venturing into what could become one of the most meaningful experiences of your life.

Disclaimer: Iā€™m not a doctor so this is not health advice. Iā€™m not encouraging the use ofā€¦



Paula Romeu
Age of Awareness

Iā€™ve had a pretty unusual life. Now I write about it. If it helps, itā€™s yours. The journey has been extrašŸ‘rdinari