How to see the invisible

The most important thing you will ever learn about innovation

B. Lorraine Smith
Age of Awareness


Making powerful innovation visible. (Photo created in Canva)

What if I told you I had access to an incredible innovation, something so powerful in its ability to create change that the tech bros would be in awe if they saw it. I’m talking about system-level transformation territory for all the major challenges we face right now.

That’s already pretty big. But what if I also told you this powerful innovation is available to everyone, everywhere, for free. There’s just one catch: it’s invisible, which explains why many of us miss it.

I’m not making this up. This is 100% for real.

I have the same limitations as you — I can’t see the invisible. But I’ll do what I can to make this innovation perceptible. Maybe you’ve already noticed it too — maybe you’re even using it already, in which case I hope you’ll pile on with your experience. This is way too powerful to hide at a time when we need massive innovation to transform our responses to the interconnected ecological and social crises that you and I and many we know are seeking to solve.

I’ll show you what this innovation is and how you can use it.

As I said, it’s free for everyone, everywhere. You literally couldn’t pay for this if you tried. It’s already yours.



B. Lorraine Smith
Age of Awareness

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.