How To Spend Time During The Lockdown In The Most Meaningful Way Possible

4 suggestions to make the most out of your time in isolation.

Age of Awareness
2 min readMay 21, 2020


Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels

1. Strengthen the bonds within your family.

This is a special opportunity we seldom get to spend time with our loved ones free of distractions. Take advantage!

A strong connection in the family unit serves as the foundation for a healthy and happy life.

2. Try and help others.

Focusing on helping others is a great way to alleviate anxiety, stress, boost your immune system, and make you feel good about life so you can approach each day with a refreshing outlook.

3. Think about your life.

Where are things good? Where can they be better?

And be honest.

Don’t run away from the truth.

Now is the time for growth.

With a forward-thinking attitude, we receive a greater will to live.

And if you don’t know where to start, try focusing on listening to others with the intent to really be with them.

Include yourself in their thoughts and emotions as if at this moment they are the most important person in your world.

Sometimes hearing another perspective allows us to better understand ourselves.

4. Find a group of like-minded people from whom you can receive strength, knowledge, and hope.

There are lots of virtual spaces that exist with people who’s sole purpose is to help others through these difficult times.

If you’re having a tough time, consider connecting to an online community.

Bnei Baruch is a global non-profit educational organization of mainly volunteers dedicated to the daily sharing of relevant and meaningful articles, videos, and free educational platforms.

This information helps a person to better process these rapidly changing times by explaining the connections between our individual experiences and the general plan of development of nature.

We learn to recognize patterns in our behaviors that coincide with the various external phenomena we see in the world.

And we learn how to recalibrate ourselves in order to change the negative responses we receive from nature into positive ones.

Indeed, this pandemic has shown us the undeniable truth that we are all dependent on one another for our survival.

In times like these let us lean on each other and never forget that you are not alone.



Age of Awareness

Educator, musical artist, and father studying integral and natural systems for over 10 years.