How to Survive Your First Semester of College

What I learned about life and adulthood.

Age of Awareness


I’ll admit I entered my college career a bit cocky. Proud of finishing off my high school career with a 4.0 GPA and graduating with highest honors, I waltzed into university ignorant to the realities of college life. I, like many others, believed college to be identical to high school or if not identical, very similar.

Was I in for a rude awakening.

As I stand on the other side with a 3.0 GPA I now realize that I could never be more wrong. But despite the blunders that I made during my first semester, there were a lot of lessons learned about myself. Here are a few of them.

Put Away Your Phone

Let’s be honest here, we all think that we’re stronger than the little colorful computer we carry around everyday but we’re not. In the beginning of the semester I thought that I could resist the musical sounds and flashing lights that radiated from my device. But as I found myself reaching for it again and again, I realized that I was not as strong as I thought I was. Spare yourself from the late nighters you have to pull because you spent the last four hours scrolling through Tik Tok, turn off your phone, and lock it away somewhere you won’t reach it. What ever it is can wait.

