How We Might Use ChatGPT in Education

Mike Paul
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2022


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Yes, there’s more to say about ChatGPT and how we can use it in education. I’m doing my best to develop productive uses of this technology to override all the Negative Ninnys out there in Luddite Land.

I won’t have an answer for everyone, but there’s a decent chance one of the ideas I share here could inspire you to use ChatGPT yourself.

Why Some Teachers May Fear ChatGPT and other AI Tools

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels

First of all, let’s start here: Anytime a new technology is introduced into the world, people are apprehensive. This phenomenon is not exclusive to the education world.

New technologies can be intimidating and scary because they represent change and the unknown. People may be hesitant to adopt new technologies because they are unsure how they will work or fit into their existing way of life.

Additionally, new technologies can sometimes create uncertainty about the future and its impact on society. This fear of the unknown can lead to resistance to change and skepticism about new technologies.



Mike Paul
Age of Awareness

I dad, I tech, I teach, I write. Not always in that order. INTJ. Ravenclaw. 1w9. Wannabe academic and author.