HyperWriting — How Writing Can Become Your Self-Therapy

The therapeutic way to find your deepest personal stories

Nicole Hilbig
Age of Awareness


We already know the concept of creative writing.

Creative writing is a form of written expression that lets you simply put your thoughts on a particular topic on paper, which can ultimately result in a mostly experimental but meaningful story. Led by a seminar leader, this form of writing can produce particularly creative literary works.

For the psychologist and publicist Jürgen vom Scheidt, however, the term creative writing never really went far enough.

Because from his decades of experience as a seminar leader of numerous writing workshops in his Munich practice, he was often able to experience deeper, mostly meditative or even therapeutic approaches to writing with the participants.

From his observations, he called this process HyperWriting. The Greek word “hyper” means “beyond, more than” and thus describes going beyond, that is, the continuation of the term creative writing.

But how exactly is this form of writing expressed and what triggers it?

Writing as a Continuous Self-Awareness



Nicole Hilbig
Age of Awareness

I love learning and writing about the changes in our digital era. My topics are future, work, productivity, writing, education & personal stories.