I Just Quit Teaching, Here’s Why Others Will Too

Steven Hopper
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readAug 24, 2019


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

It’s not surprising that the teaching profession is in trouble and has been for some time now. Every day there are more and more news stories about teachers going on strike or teacher shortages in schools across the country. I was a high school teacher for eight years and I recently quit my job to become a business consultant. While I loved teaching itself and the impact I had on my students, I was constantly frustrated with aspects of the job that are inherent to the education system.

I’m not alone in this thinking. I have written about these problems before and so have many other education thought leaders. The system is outdated, we all recognize that, but while there is a big focus on modernizing the teaching and learning there is little talk about modernizing the education system itself. From my personal experience, I found that education is simply too slow to keep up with the changing times and this is the root of many problems for teachers and students. And the consequence of this if these problems are left unaddressed is that they will deter the best and brightest from ever entering the profession.

1. Teachers need opportunities to grow and incentives to do so.

This was my biggest frustration with teaching as a profession. And people have talked about it a lot…



Steven Hopper
Age of Awareness

Stories of a former high school teacher, now business consultant. Husband. Travel fanatic. Obsessed coffee drinker. And all-around nerd.