Black Lives Matter

I Lost My Friend of 11 Years to a Conversation About Race

Part III: My White Friend Doesn’t Believe In Systemic Racism

Destiny S. Harris
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readDec 29, 2021


Photo by Clarissa Carbungco on Unsplash

As a Black individual who grew up oblivious to racial matters, it seems normal to lose many white friends as you grow more aware. You wake up to realize that many of your white friends were racist, and you condoned it. I’ve noticed the trend, not only in my life but also in others.

I’m flabbergasted when white individuals don’t believe in systemic racism because it’s so in your face; how can you not see it?

One of the manifestations of white privilege is not having to think about it. — Nicole Chung

This year, I officially lost another White friend whose been in my life for over ten years. We did college ROTC together, we were college roommates, and we stayed close after graduation. I was keenly aware that she and her family are conservatives. Still, I never expected our relationship to blow up over a conversation about race since she seemed so tolerant of my many other…

