I Traveled During the Delta Surge

The risks and rewards

Gina Pacelli
Age of Awareness


Photo by the author

Nashville, Tennessee

My gypsy spirit has kept me wandering the globe throughout my life. In 2020, COVID changed the world. As isolation set in, travel became a dream. This summer, I rolled the dice.

As the world began to open, a friend and I booked a quick getaway to Nashville, Tennessee. Since COVID first entered our reality, we have both been careful and followed guidelines to protect ourselves and others. We figured we were due for a little fun, and our world was beginning to look a little safer.

Unfortunately, our timing was off. When our flight took off, the Delta variant had begun to light the U.S. on fire. Regardless of what precautions we had taken, we were both at risk. Delta made sure no one was untouchable. We were back to square one.

If our trip had happened a few weeks earlier, my free-spirited nature would have been dominant on this trip. However, there was a black cloud hanging in the air. I prayed neither of us would contract the virus.

The flight was uneventful. We flew from Boston to La Guardia to Nashville. We grabbed a sandwich in New York and ate at our terminal. We had our masks on, and we were spaced out enough to feel comfortable.



Gina Pacelli
Age of Awareness

Adventure Seeker, Dream Chaser, Free Spirit, Explorer, Boston-based, Marketer, Consultant. Consider joining Medium: https://ginapacelli.medium.com/membership