I was Addicted to Traveling. So, Now What?

Five Strategies to Find Adventure in a World Without Travel

Erik P.M. Vermeulen, PhD
Age of Awareness


Teaching in Japan. Photo courtesy of author

“I guess there is no traveling now? You must be bored? When do you expect things to get back to normal?”

I am asked these three questions almost every day.

And my answers? Yes. No. I don’t.

First, my last trip was 14 weeks ago. I was in Rwanda to give a workshop at the end of February. Since then, all my projects were canceled, postponed, or moved online.

Second, I am not bored. And, every time I give that answer, I surprise myself.

Because let there be no mistake. I love traveling. That magical moment of stepping on to the plane, being in the air, and then arriving in a completely different world — another language, exotic food, new culture, better (or worse) weather. And, of course, meeting new people, the unexpected conversations, and learning from them.

Traveling was never a vacation for me. It was always work. I visited other countries to teach, to give presentations and seminars, to consult. Visiting two or more countries in different times zones in one week was not unusual for me. Being at an airport was my normal.

