If Not Now Then When?

You are the only thing that stands in your way

Ellen Quirke
Age of Awareness


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

My partner and I have always had a dream of living out in the country. Ever since we met we would talk about rural life, with vegetable gardens, chickens and solar power.

We have even taken small steps towards making it a reality in the past. Converting and living in a 9m School Bus was meant to be the first step on the journey towards the life we wanted. With the idea that we would temporarily stay on friends land until we had enough money to purchase our own. However, we stalled and never reached the next phase.

This past week we sat back and reflected on why it never happened. Why we weren’t able to just make that final push and reach our dreams.

Life Gets In The Way

Isn’t it funny that no matter how much you plan, something will always come up and interrupt it? No matter how good-intentioned you are, there are always things that will happen that are outside of your control.

One glaringly obvious example being Covid! No one was able to foresee us heading into a global pandemic in 2020. However, it came rampaging through affecting us all, without a care in the world for what plans may have been ahead.



Ellen Quirke
Age of Awareness

Living a sustainable life and writing about my experience. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Get my free sustainability eGuide https://bit.ly/38wy3tF