In 2021 I Will Adopt the Craftsman Mindset. Join Me.

This is something I should have done 3 years ago

Levi Borba
Age of Awareness


Image by Toản Dương for Pixabay

When you are a hospitality entrepreneur, there is not much that you can do during lockdowns and national quarantines. There are no guests, no complaints or compliments, no agitation in the reception. So some free time appeared in my scheduled, and in these empty time-blocks, I read the writings from Cal Newport.

Cal, an MIT Ph.D., exposes a myriad of insights to enhance knowledge-assimilation and cognitive improvement. One of the founding-philosophies from his work is the Craftsman Mindset.

In summary, there are 2 ways of reasoning your professional choices.

1st — The Passion mindset. People that follow this are the ones listening to advice like follow your passion. They are individuals making professional choices based on what they love now. The problem here is that it is both difficult to know what we love and to guess correctly that we will keep loving it if we do it for dozens of hours per day, during years.

2nd — The Craftsman mindset. The individuals with this reasoning are people looking for activities that they can improve their skills and end up loving both the work itself and the result of it. It is based on the idea of focusing on getting good at something and…

