In Defense of Morality & STEM Education

The Call for Conscience in the Age of Scientism and Technocracy

Andrew B. Raupp
Age of Awareness
7 min readJun 15, 2023


Image: Shutterstock ID# 1502881307 / Deep Thought Art

Written by: Andrew B. Raupp / @stemceo

Preface: As an advocate for the power of scientific discovery and technological innovation to change lives, I find myself compelled to pen this missive. I write not from a place of abstract academic interest, but from a profound sense of urgency. This urgency is born out of the seismic shifts we are witnessing in our global landscape, shifts that shake the very foundations of the institutions we once trusted.

We stand at a unique juncture in our history. A time when the tools of science and technology, which have the potential to uplift and empower, are being hijacked by a cohort of central planners, transhumanists, and technocrats. Their vision of the future is one that threatens to undermine the innate potential of every individual and to strip humanity of its essence.

The trust we once held in our institutions is crumbling, leaving a void that these practitioners of scientism are eager to fill. Alarmingly, this erosion of faith does not appear to be an inadvertent byproduct of the passage of time but a calculated demolition. It is a strategy designed to weaken the collective resistance and pave the way for a future where human autonomy is a relic of the past.

However, I firmly believe that we are not powerless. Through this paper, I aim to stimulate a dialogue on the importance of ethical STEM education. Not as a panacea for all our ills, but as a crucial step in reclaiming our destiny. A step that will enable us to forge a future where science and technology are not tools of control, but instruments of liberation.

It is my sincere hope that this article serves as a beacon, a call to action against the insidious encroachment of a dystopian vision. Our collective response to this crisis will not only determine the fate of the coming generations but also the very soul of humanity. It is a battle we must not, and cannot afford to lose.

These are the times that demand a measure of our intellectual courage. As we stand on the precipice of the ever-advancing chasm of scientific discovery and technological innovation, we must confront an uncomfortable truth. The urgency of imparting the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education to the youngest among us, while concurrently addressing the machinations of those who seek to use it for their selfish ends, has never been greater. It is a task equal to none in its difficulty, yet we cannot shrink from the challenge, for in our hands rests the stewardship of our future.

The path of human progress is etched in the hallmarks of technological breakthroughs and scientific milestones. From the primordial mastery of fire to the epoch-defining advent of the internet, every quantum leap in our collective consciousness has been fueled by the indomitable spirit of curiosity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge — the very heart of STEM education.

Yet, lurking in the shadow of our progress, there lie forces that seek to tarnish this noble quest. A cohort of central planners, transhumanists, and technocrats threaten to twist STEM into a Trojan Horse of dominance. They are weaponizing what many innocently perceive as the impartial tools of science and technology, fashioning from them instruments of power and control.

In their hands, science is wielded not as a beacon to guide us to a better tomorrow, but as a bludgeon to enforce their version of it. They seek to utilize technology not as a tool for the amplification of our collective potential but as a mechanism for mass manipulation. Their vision of the future is not one of collective ascent, but of regimented conformity, a dystopia where humanity is rendered obsolete, supplanted by their sterile constructs of silicon and steel. This, dear reader, is not the essence of STEM; this is its debasement.

We must not let their warped vision dilute our commitment to the advancement of science and technology. Instead, we must strive to underline the importance of ethics and moral application in our teachings. An informed, ethically grounded populace is our bulwark against such manipulation. The antidote to the poison of scientism and technocracy is not less STEM, but more — an enriched STEM education that imbues not only skills and knowledge but also a moral compass.

The task of nurturing this conscience falls upon our educators, who stand as the unsung heroes in our struggle. Like the watchmen of old, they must safeguard our collective consciousness from the insidious erosion of unethical practice. To them, we entrust our most precious resource, our youth, to be fortified with the armor of ethical STEM education. An investment in their development is an investment in our future.

In this endeavor, we do not walk alone. The great minds of our past beckon us forward, their legacies lighting the way. From the likes of Einstein, who warned us that “science without religion is lame,” we must imbue our scientific pursuits with a spirit of ethical responsibility.

We must advocate for a future where science does not subjugate but liberates, where technology does not dictate but enables. The pursuit of knowledge, coupled with a strong ethical framework, should be our guide as we navigate the frontier of human potential.

This is a call to arms, not of weapon and woe, but of wisdom and will. It is a plea for the broad and sincere promotion of a STEM education steeped in ethics, a rallying cry against the encroaching tide of a scientism that threatens to drain humanity of its essence.

The battle lines are drawn, not in sand or stone, but in the minds and hearts of our young. It is their world we are shaping, their tomorrow we are moulding. An authentic, ethically-grounded STEM education is the greatest legacy we can bestow upon them. It is not merely a gift but an obligation, a solemn duty we owe to the next generation and those yet unborn.

We are the builders of bridges, between the land of what is and the horizon of what could be. With every child we inspire to explore the mysteries of the universe, with every young mind we encourage to push the boundaries of the known, we are forging a future vibrant with promise. This is the true essence of STEM — the nurturing of a ceaseless curiosity, the kindling of the sparks that ignite innovation, and the cultivation of the wisdom to use this knowledge for the betterment of all.

However, we cannot rest on our laurels, for the task ahead is great. The age of AI and quantum computing looms, carrying with it promises of unparalleled advancements and ominous threats. It is a dichotomy that casts a long shadow, a Janus-faced prospect that can elevate humanity to new heights or plunge it into abysmal depths. It is, therefore, a matter of grave importance to ensure that the wielders of this powerful knowledge are not merely skilled, but morally equipped.

Indeed, as we imbibe the principles of STEM, we must simultaneously drink deeply from the well of ethics. For it is the balance between power and responsibility that safeguards us from the intoxication of unchecked dominion.

And so, we call upon our legislators to ensure this balance is maintained. Our laws must evolve in tandem with our capabilities, upholding the mantle of human rights and individual freedoms in the face of burgeoning technology. The march of progress should never trample upon the sanctity of human dignity.

We implore parents, too, to engage their children in discussions on the implications of technology and the importance of ethical conduct. The hearth has always been the first school, and its lessons echo in our deeds and choices.

And to the youth, the torchbearers of tomorrow, we say this — hold tight to the spirit of inquiry, embrace the pursuit of knowledge, but let it be guided always by the star of moral integrity. The code that governs your creations should mirror the principles that govern your hearts. Be not just architects of new technology, but custodians of humanity’s future.

The war against the subversion of STEM is not fought on distant shores, but here, in our schools, our homes, our hearts. It is a war we cannot afford to lose, for the stakes are nothing less than our future. Let it be known that this generation stood firm, that we defended the sanctity of science and the soul of technology. Let it echo in the annals of time that when the call came, we answered with a resounding affirmation of our commitment to a STEM education founded on ethical ground.

Remember, the enlightenment of a single mind can dispel the darkness of ignorance. The power of knowledge, steered by a moral compass, can chart a course to a future where technology serves humanity, not enslaves it. This is not a mere dream, but a vision we can — and must — manifest. For in the end, it is not the technocrats who shape our destiny, but us. And armed with an ethical STEM education, we are more than up to the task.

Andrew B. Raupp is the Founder / Executive Director @stemdotorg. “Democratizing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education through sound policy & practice…”



Andrew B. Raupp
Age of Awareness

Founder Educational Research | @Newsweek | International Federation of Journalists #IFJ | Top Writer STEM Education