Inspiration From a Monk: Building A Fire In The Jungle

If you’re already doing it, don’t stop.

Michael Howkins
Age of Awareness


Photo by Haut Risque on Unsplash

A few years ago, when I lived in Canada, a monk had come over from India and he was traveling around the country, giving talks and classes on spirituality. During this time I had the fortunate opportunity to follow him for a week, attend his classes and absorb as much as I could from his teachings.

He spoke many inspiring and humbling things, as monks tend to do. But of all the things I learned from listening to him, there was one thing in particular that has always stayed with me. It continues to be a source of inspiration to this day. It was nothing majorly profound or cryptic. It was just a simple story. A single, beautiful metaphor.

Through this story, he was conveying to us the importance of having a regular meditation practice, what some of the pitfalls might be, and how we can overcome them. And although for me, nothing is more important than having a regular spiritual practice, I’ve come to realise that this metaphor has endless applications.

If you’re a writer, an athlete, a new mother, or building a business, this story can assist you in summoning your own determination, tenacity and resilience. It can show you that your efforts are not in vain. That the light does grow brighter.



Michael Howkins
Age of Awareness

I write for several publications, including The Startup and The Ascent. A lifelong seeker. I write about what it means to live consciously and authentically.