Integrating Art with STEM Education — Steam Education

Education Unbound
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readMay 10, 2018

In the 1990, the National Science Foundation coined a term that swept educational institutions across the nation. After watching this talk, STEM(Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) is my goal is that each one of you watching and that will never look at this term the same way again. Because I had the help of three awesome people — Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs

Each of these great minds were not only not only built their careers on the abilities of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) but they knew the crucial importance of art integration that yields.
Steam education (Science, Technology, Engineering Art and Mathematics). Well done there’s way more you guys are ready for a treat because I’m about to take you through history word explore how each of these amazing figures these great minds the illustrated a steam powered existence.

We look first at Leonardo da Vinci not only was he known for his amazing masterpieces but he was a scientist who was a mathematician and as you can see on lovely Mona Lisa here Hughes the golden ratio also known as the golden sector the golden mean as we just simply mathematical definition of beauty that gives you these proportions that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye found in nature and elsewhere once again here’s our first candidate for a steam powered individual.

We go on to the life of Albert Einstein five hundred years later and we explore not only a world renowned physicist and that the father of the theory of relativity but we see. But he was also a musician a violinist a concert pianist and I just love how he summaries it it epic after certain high level of technical skills achieved science and art tend to coalesce anaesthetics plus the city and form.

The greatest scientists are always artists as well. Finally I bring you to our modern day with the innovative face of apple Steve Jobs.Once again he quotes it amazingly I couldn’t have said it better right insane apples tea it’s if it’s an apples DNA that science and technology is just perfect together and technology alone is not enough its technology married with the liberal arts married with the humanities that yields the results that make our hearts saying.

In other words all the smartphones everyone’s holding today all the iPhones those are bringing children of steam and now let’s discuss now that we know what steam is and how it’s been rocking our world for centuries why does it matter today. Well it just so happens that unfortunately with this increasing pressure of high high test scores cranking out of our students in their math and writing and science field. We’re forgetting the importance of art integration.

We’re forgetting the importance of that a in Stan according to the national association of state board of education the National Science Foundation is funded federally twenty times as much as our arts and humanities programs in the USA.
That means art integration and our current education system today isn’t getting the proper funding isn’t getting those resources need it and without that quality education were missing out on the opportunity to give our future generations the chance to develop a crucial tool and I like to call it a brain tool for a paint brush.

As an engineering major in my and my sophomore year on every time I take it technical course math calculus physics on it goes all the way to auto CAD in my programming courses I’m building these brain tools in my mind the hammer screwdriver ranch and putting them in my toolbox my engineering toolbox it’ll bring with me to the outside world but of late.
As much good quality as much as many good college students do have been questioning right why what’s the point why am I getting all these bring tools and how do I apply them to one another how do we connect the dots to the bigger picture increase something unique stand out innovative thinking outside of the box.

So, I walked into this twenty four hour engineering competition at the society of Hispanic professional engineers conference last fall and it was given the ability to participate in this twenty four hour extreme engineer competition selected out of about five hundred students have the ability to get on this team with nine other students that I’d never met before in my life from all over the US and Porter Rico to innovate of random product that was given to us and for that for that for this session it was a cooler we’re just given a normal basic Monday in cooler.

And in that moment a group of ten crazy college kids who had never met before in their lives just become just became a small start up company out to transform this this item this cooler into like this best selling products that we’re going to sell to the judges and build a prototype and with incredibly limited resources and a budget of about a hundred Bucks.

We were totally up to the challenge we created a company logo not just to physically redesigned the product itself but we have to create a marketing strategy shoot a commercial give the bundling and packaging designs like I said a logo design I mean the list was unless we do this all in twenty four hours so even at three thirty in the morning we all looked like my friend angel here past.

Out under the tables we were still able to feed these awesome ideas right we were still innovatively thinking creatively applying this concept of a paint brush I was blessed to be on a team of kids who were okay doing that.
And quite honestly without that creative mindset without that thinking outside the box we wouldn’t have placed top five and I wouldn’t have been able to continue on to get extremists near of the year and quite honestly it was an amazing competition and a perfect illustration of steam.

This workshop demonstrated to me how critical it was. To show up with not just your stand your science or technology engineering your math but to show up with the day with the arts without paint brush with the innovative tools that we had all developed somehow quite locally in our in our education system because quite honestly it’s not fed to us anymore and that’s the issue we’re missing that a in stem.

The steam that ultimately is going to help transform our future and give our future generations the ability to think outside the box to create what they need to with their stem brain tools they’re missing that day may need that steam because steam powered futures. Steam powered individuals is what is going to paint our worlds better future.



Education Unbound
Age of Awareness provides steam resources for best education approach that highlighted the field of Science and technology.