Is Mother Nature Caring or Ruthless?

What is the best description of Mother Nature according to your experience?

Age of Awareness


This week I want to do something different: a debate and a poll. First is the debate, in the form of a back and forth exchange between two characters taking on opposite standpoints.


There is no denying that immersing yourself in Mother Nature can constitute some of the most blissful and relaxing experience in life. On a functional level, Mother Nature provides for all our essential needs. But imagine for a second, placing yourself in the middle of a dark, mazy jungle, with insects buzzing and birds crying all around non-stop. Snakes, jaguars and other predators lurk under the noise and shades, the threats built onto the suffocating heat are making you cover in sweat fully exhausted (no bathing for you in the caiman-infested river, unfortunately). These two situations seem to both be a valid representation of nature, or are they?

Is Mother Nature caring or ruthless? Or something else?
Is Mother Nature caring or ruthless? (Photo on the left by ©[Marmotian], on the right by ©[Susan Hodgson] via Adobe Stock Standard License)

Quokkasian #1:

On a psychological level, there is just something magnetic about spending time in nature that you cannot get from any other sources. Probably due to evolutionary reasons, we feel “connected” and fulfilled when we immerse in abundant greenery as this is our original cradle and home, a concept…



Age of Awareness

I’m an observer of the Earth. My favorite spot is my burrow and my hobby is exercising my fingers, in order to dig deeper. Support me: