Is My Cactus Dead?

Tips from a clueless gardener

Jennifer Mittler-Lee
Age of Awareness


Image/Denise Husted/Pixabay

I stare at my cactus a lot.

Actually, I own a few. So I should say I stare at my cactuses a lot. Cacti for those who prefer Latin. (In case you’re wondering, both forms are acceptable).

Why do I stare at them? I honestly can’t tell if they are doing anything. Are they growing? Do they need something? Are they…dying? Am I caring for a dead plant?

I don’t have this problem with other plants. Green? Check. Flowers? Check. New bits sprouting up? Check. It’s alive.

Cactus provide no clues. I look to the internet gurus. They assure me cactus are extremely easy to grow. Practically un-killable! Don’t worry! Give them a moderate amount of water and sunshine and ignore them.

Why is that so hard to do?

A brief how-to guide on cactus care

According to the experts, cactus need a little water, a lot of heat, rapidly draining soil, and to be planted at the top of the pot so air can circulate.

My cactus collection consists of small indoor plants. I mainly own traditional cactus; the spiky ones you picture growing in the desert. They thrive in special sandy dirt in small terra cotta pots. My other cactus is a Christmas cactus and imagine my surprise to…



Jennifer Mittler-Lee
Age of Awareness

Dabbles in writing, occasional pharmacist. Loves to blend science with history. Fan of medical mysteries and always curious.