Is the Mindfulness Loop the Hidden Key Solution Against Climate Change?

We cannot only blame the politicians.

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Age of Awareness


For a long time, I thought, it’s all the politician's fault.

They don't do what is right because it is inconvenient or they don't believe in scientific evidence. And for some, this is clearly the case.

But look what happens when politicians actually do the inconvenient and protect the people. They act out. They protest. Conspiracy theories are on the rise.

If politicians would do what is necessary to stop climate change, what do you think would happen?

People would be outraged. They can’t accept to compromise for the greater good. The consequence is politicians cannot do what is needed because people don’t support that. I am not talking about the 5% who would be fine to cut back.

I am talking about Mike, the bus driver who wants his steak when he comes home from driving for hours.

I am talking about Harry and Sally, who want to go to Thailand for their yearly holiday after feeling burned out from stress and pressure.

We the common people have been working so hard, we are not willing to sacrifice the little we have left. Most of us live a life that makes us rely on these few highlights…



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Age of Awareness

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