Jesus Be A Tree

Scarlett Johansson Is An Example of Hollywood’s Problem

Age of Awareness


Scarjo’s next role. Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash

It may be popular to say controversial things to stay relevant or get more interest in a film, or about-to-be-released album. But then there is the clueless, vapid, white response that shows they either lead a bubbled life or they don’t care about harm. Either is their responsibility, especially when they are a celebrity.

Enter Scarlett “Tree” Johansson. The running tree joke already comes from her previous ignorant statements that actors should play any role they want. This was due to vocal pushback after she was cast to play a transgender man for a film called Rub and Tug. She withdrew from the role but complained about how unfair it was that she could not play any role. Essentially, white woman getting upset because they are hearing people yell “no.”

Nevermind that Black people, people of color, LGBTQ+, disabled people have a hard time getting any kind of roles in Hollywood. Due to the fact that not only are they boxed in because of their appearance and identity, but the few roles that align with their appearance or identity will be given to people like Scarjo. But that was a while ago and I don’t know nor care if she apologized because I knew it was only a matter of time before she f*cked up again. After all, she still does not clearly understand the problem with what…



Age of Awareness

Black/Puerto Rican creative non-binary. Spouts nonsense that occasionally makes sense. they/them