Larry Elder: Latest and Most Dangerous ‘Black Face of White Supremacy’

Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2021



The election of Donald Trump in 2016, in my opinion, was divine intervention. It was a miracle. He is almost God-sent.

Larry Elder, 2019

White supremacy and white oppression, as manifested over the course of the last five centuries in the form of white settler colonialism and imperialism, could never have “succeeded” without cooperation and collaboration from and with African, black, red, brown and yellow collaborators.

Beginning circa 1444, when those first Portuguese “trade” ships appeared off the west coast of Africa, unscrupulous, and perhaps unknowing, African chiefs and subalterns facilitated European traders in rounding up and selling their war captives to those not yet “white” men from across the seas.

As today’s right wing just loves to incessantly inform us, at that time slavery was common throughout Africa and indeed the whole world. However, what right wingers ignore or deny altogether is that the nature of African slavery differed markedly in kind and in degree from the slavery that white Europeans instituted and practiced in the Americas. For example, for the most part, African slavery did not reduce slaves to the status of chattel or



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Age of Awareness

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link,