Last Chance, University!

How higher education is disrupting itself. But there is a way out.

Erik P.M. Vermeulen, PhD
Age of Awareness


Photo courtesy of author

Occasionally, you receive an email that makes you stop and think. It touches on a topic that you care passionately about.

One of my former students sent me such an email last week.

“I am seriously considering enrolling on The Power MBA. You should consider it too. The program only costs $995. Besides the price, the flexibility is another big plus. It’s an all-online program that consists of more than 250 classes. The content is delivered in 15-minute classes. And you’ll be learning from the “best of the best” — authoritative founders and business executives.”

As a university professor, I was curious about the program. Was it just another webinar-type learning platform — in which case there was nothing to fear? Or could this new initiative really disrupt higher education?

Do You Believe in the Disruption of Education?

One day later, I discussed my student’s email with my colleagues at the university. Unsurprisingly, most of them don’t see The Power MBA as a serious threat.

The reason?

Students won’t receive an official degree after completing the program. The program isn’t accredited…

