3 Lessons on Educational Leadership

An Introduction to Educational Leadership For New District Leaders

Beverly Payne
Age of Awareness


Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Thankfully, when I first came to the central office, it was during the summer. Those couple of summer months provided me with valuable time to grapple with the idea that I was now in a district leadership role and to begin my educational leadership journey.

But first a simple definition. A leader is someone who provides direction and support for a group or organization. A leader often shares a vision of could be and marshals support for it.

Educational leadership is providing these skills in an educational setting such as a K-12 district.

Educational Leadership is not Managing

One of the first lessons I learned was the difference between managing and leading. Yes, I knew this already, but until I put it into practice, the differences did not seem that big.

I was hired into my central office position to manage a couple of programs, specifically state testing and grant writing. But leadership was also expected.

As a coordinator, I needed to manage my program, so that it ran smoothly. Determine what had to be done and how it should be done. I had to communicate that to our schools.

