Let Go of 2020 and Focus on An Amazing Future

John Gamades
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2020


“Thank God 2020 is finally done.” We’re all ready to put this past year behind us, but will we actually leave it there? As we’re on the doorstep of 2021, here’s one final question to ask yourself. How much time are you spending in the past vs. the amount of time you’re investing focused on your future?

For many of us, the balance between the two is tilted in the wrong direction. Rather than focusing on the future we could be creating, or enjoying the moment we’re in right now, we fixate on our past. We ponder what we’ve lost, the failures we encountered, and what we lost. Could’ve, would’ve, and should’ve become our vocabulary.

As we’re exiting 2020, sliding into this rut can be easy. We each experienced this past year in a unique way. For some, it was a year that brought us loss, stolen opportunities, and closed doors. Relationships and connections may have been strained, and some of the places we had leaned into for our confidence and assurance crumbled. We’re already talking about how 2020 will be unforgettable.

Unforgettable. 2020 will be burned into our memories for years to come. That ability to recall our past can be a positive in our lives. Experiences imprint themselves into our minds, and these memories are valuable. They allow us to relive the best moments in our lives — time with our family and friends…



John Gamades
Age of Awareness

Creative, entrepreneur, blogger, husband, and dad — focused on cutting through the negative noise with a message of positivity and growth.