Let’s Not Waste the Most Crucial Generation

Cormac Noonan
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2018
It’s up to us young people. We have all the freedom and energy to do it!

Calling all young people!

I see so much potential around me being wasted. I sit and watch, visualising the impact they could have if they actually pursued that thing they talk so passionately about.

Instead, I see so many young people focusing their efforts and time on things that will never fulfill them. Deluded into thinking that by studying the same techniques and rules as everyone else they will somehow get ahead. I see so many talented people blindly pursuing careers and jobs that obviously do not inspire them.

The invisible staircase

They believe when they get to position X and start earning Y amount of money they will be happy. If they only lifted their heads up a bit higher and opened their eyes a bit wider they would realise this staircase doesn’t end. There is always another step and another promotion they must strive for. And for each step they take towards a higher position and better money, they also take a step towards more responsibility and more stress.

Each step also takes away more of their free time along the road to retirement and eventually death. Death you say, that’s a bit extreme. I don’t think so. I think it is important to talk about death. One of the main reasons we don’t live out our dreams is due to an irrational belief we will all live until we are grey and old. By recognising the fact we could be dead soon, we can start to look at our lives more clearly.

Live fully now!

“Everybody dies but not everybody truly lives” — William Wallace

What if I said you had a year to live? Would you still sit there in your mundane office job or would you jump on the next plane to go and travel the world?

Would you be worried about not having enough money or would you just take whatever you had and go?

The fact you no longer have to worry about the future would give you a strange sense of freedom. Knowing you will die in a years time would ironically give you the freedom you needed to live now. To really live. But no. You believe you will live until you grow old and you are told you need to hold down a secure job to look after you when you get there.

As a result of this belief, we constantly live with our retirement in mind. We live within ourselves and sit behind the safety of a screen as we watch the world unfold around us. We don’t dare to venture out into the world and become active participants in it. We choose to sit and be spectators, watching in both horror and awe at the bad and the good that is happening. We prefer to talk about the news, instead of going out there to try and change it!

But that’s the thing, isn’t it? We’re comfortable. We like being safe behind our screens. Our jobs give us security and as long as we stay there and keep our toes in line we will have enough money to pay the expensive city rent. Hopefully, we will have enough left over to enjoy a few drinks at the weekend to de-stress from our stressful jobs. We shouldn’t complain though because we have a “good” job and there are lots of people in worse situations than us.

If you are happy living this lifestyle that’s great. I’m not however, I became greedy and decided I want more from my life.

DO something before you hit the dirt

I want to do something worthwhile. Something that makes a real difference in the lives of others. I want to have a purpose beyond my own personal gain. I want to positively impact as many lives as I can before it’s my time to go. For me, this is where true, lasting fulfillment comes from.

I want to enjoy as much time as I can with my friends and family. You never know who’s next to reach the top of their staircase so it’s important to relish their company now.

I want to travel as much of the world as I can. I want to write about my experiences and connect with the people I meet along the way.

I want to allow myself to love deeply and experience life fully.

I’m only on this earth for a brief flicker in time so I want to light that shit up when I’m here!

Call to action

If you want to follow my journey and do something before you hit the dirt too then sign up to my email list



Cormac Noonan
Age of Awareness

A dreamer who is stupid enough to think he can change the world. re-tiredat25.com