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Lies My Teacher Training Told Me

The Growth Mindset Gal🌻
Age of Awareness


To become a teacher in the United States you must have a Bachelor’s degree but, to receive a job, you must obtain a Master’s degree. I went through 7 years of schooling to become an educator. On top of that, I am bombarded with massive student debt for the 7 years of school that I did. Then, the repayment of those loans is paid by my teacher’s salary. If you’re an educator you know a teacher’s salary barley can contribute to your student loans and you’ll be paying them back in the next 10 years. Congratulations welcome to the educational system.

Now, I would say I learned most of my educational strategies from student teaching and working with students. When I was sitting in a classroom at my university, my professors spoke about education as if we worked in this ideal system. Looking back I noticed some lies I was taught about how to be a teacher and I wanted to share and see if you agree.

Lie Number 1: Every single lesson you create needs to be planned out weeks in advance and must be immensely engaging. These lesson plans all need to be typed out and 4 pages long. The lessons must have students leading their learning and working together. The students must be active and know why they are learning this lesson.

Truth: Yes, lessons should be planned out but, sometimes a lesson takes longer than you thought, or you are speeding through



The Growth Mindset Gal🌻
Age of Awareness

An educator sharing her stories of going through life. Let’s survive and thrive together! IG:@TheGrowthMindsetGal | Twitter: @MindsetGal