Make Each Day Life-Changing

Accepting, embracing, thanking

Jacob Lopez
Age of Awareness
3 min readMay 27, 2021


Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

“The soul’s experience on Earth is not meant for hard work and toil. It’s meant for freedom, ease, and expansion.” — the sticky note on my desk.

And now a quote from Rumi (don’t worry, this all relates to how to make each day life-changing. Pay attention!):

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” — Rumi

The words of Rumi and my sticky note awaken a deep sense of ego-shattering being-ness. They drench the soul in a new vigor and fearlessness. They remind us that rather than grappling with life, we can surrender to the is-ness of our daily experience.

Surrender: Accepting, Embracing, Thanking

Recent, stark ups and downs in my life prompted me to address this topic of how we can continue to evolve in the face of obscurity.

I realized something that make the “downs” of life more manageable.

No matter how much money or success we have—no matter how many awards or compliments we’ve acquired—we’ll always experience the inevitable ebbs and flows of life. This is called being human. It’s a good thing. Why?

Think of ebbs as reconciliation periods. They’re really opportunities to identify new lessons and modes of being the soul is begging for.

We can make each day life-changing by accepting, embracing, and thanking our current state of being, even if it’s currently on the “down” side. We can begin loving everything positive about our surroundings. We can set out to discover the little things beyond “wrongdoing and rightdoing,” as Rumi says.

Often while reaching and reaching for what we think we need, we’re actually working tirelessly against ourselves. Making today life-changing is really about sitting back, hugging yourself and your loved ones, thanking your food, and realizing that this is it. This really is it. You’re human. You made it. You’ve probably heard this before. But it’s important. It’s worth reiterating.

Gratitude as a Life-Changing Force

“Life-changing” is defined differently by different people. Some think it means acquiring more wealth. Others think it means attracting new relationships and acquiring various job opportunities.

I believe “life-changing” means to obtain a more positive way of existing in the world.

Many of us operate in the world like little addicts. We thrive off instant gratification and the white light of our phones. We depend on “gain,” whether it be social, financial, intellectual, and so on. We’re always reaching. Grasping. Craving.

It’s not only life-changing to live in gratitude, it’s revolutionary. It’s revolutionary to sit and observe and say “thanks.” It resets the aura, ingites poetic actualization through the vains of the body. This is how people become contagious. This is how people begin to attract their tribe, their dreams, their ultimate place in the world.

Make each day life-changing by becoming increasingly grounded in the joy for what already is.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond. —



Jacob Lopez
Age of Awareness

Traveling full time. Staff writer for Sacred Earth Journeys. Writing to connect to the world and its humans and its things.