How to Use Your Teacher Voice to Transform Behaviour Overnight

Harness this simple essential in your quest for perfect classroom behaviour

Helly Douglas
Age of Awareness
5 min readSep 24, 2019


A boy shouts into a microphone.
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Education is full of ideas for improving behaviour management. But are we forgetting the simple skill of voice control? Used well, it has the power to cut through low-level disruptions to help you take charge of your classroom.

An effective teacher voice doesn’t just happen naturally. It takes practise. It isn’t only newly-qualified teachers who need to work on it. We can all make small changes to improve the non-verbal cues we use in our classroom.

Here’s a few simple tips you can use to help improve how you use your voice to get control of your class and build positive relationships with your students.

Use Your Voice to Get Attention

Rather than shouting over your class and hoping they might stop talking, use your voice deliberately to make them stop and look at you.

To catch the attention of the class:

  • Use a short loud command such as a 3,2,1 count down
  • Train your class to know what your expectations are
  • Reward those who instantly stop when you ask

Your normal teaching volume should be quiet and clear. When you raise your voice, the difference should be obvious. Reduce your volume back to normal as soon as possible after a loud command.

Get the Pitch Right

Teachers often get higher and shriller when trying to get students to listen. This sounds out of control and desperate. It’s hard to be heard over the general din.

Instead, deliberately pitch your voice low, slow and loud to make it carry across the room. At first, it will feel unnatural to use a lower voice, but you don’t sound as ridiculous as you might feel. Return to a normal pitch as soon as the noise stops.

Think about How You Speak

Children respond best when you speak to them with respect. It really is that simple. Keep your voice polite and pleasant, even when addressing negative behaviour. If you feel angry, give yourself time before speaking with a student to let yourself calm down.

There are three types of speech used by teachers that damage classroom management. You might not even realise you use them. Sarcasm, rhetorical questions and public humiliation will all work against you when you use them with your students.

1: Sarcasm

Young children do not understand sarcasm. They will be confused or answer you literally. Older children will hear the tone of your voice and dislike how you are speaking to them. Keep sarcastic comments for the staffroom where they’ll be appreciated.

2: Rhetorical Questions

You probably use rhetorical questions all the time without even realising. But much like sarcasm, children find them confusing. Rhetorical questions invite children to call out, but then get them in trouble when they answer you.

“Is there someone talking?”

“Why can I see people still working?”

“Who deserves a house point?”

Children struggle to see that these questions are rhetorical. Instead, tell them exactly what you are looking for.

“I am looking for students who have stopped talking.”

“I need everyone to stop working and look this way.”

“I am seeing who deserves a house point.”

3: Public Humiliation

Public humiliation is another common teacher tactic that never has the required effect. A child misbehaves so you go over to speak with them. Only instead of a quiet word, you announce it for the whole class to hear.

You end up with:

  • Challenging children who enjoy the spotlight, even for a negative reason
  • Escalating behaviour
  • Students who feel embarrassed and dislike you for making them feel that way
  • Children labelled as ‘the naughty one’ by their classmates

Instead of broadcasting bad behaviour for the whole class to hear, speak quietly and privately to a student who isn’t on task. It is far more likely to work.

Make Your Voice Interesting

A man delivers a lecture to a crowded room of students.
Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash

Think of a boring lecture, droning on and on for hours on end. You don’t want to be that teacher! Think of yourself as an actor on the stage. Your job is to catch and keep the attention of your audience.

To help keep the focus on you when you speak, try:

  • Slowing down. Often teachers speak so quickly that children lose track of what is being said. Try slowing down and repeating key sentences. Make sure important information is heard and remembered.
  • Dramatic effect. Everyone switches off when you sound monotonous. Instead, make your voice sound interesting by adding expression, whispers, and sound effects.
  • Vary Your Tone. Changing the way you speak will keep the attention of your listeners. Experiment with altering the volume, expression, and tone you use.

No one, especially children, can listen to speech for very long. Add in paired discussion time and ask questions to reduce length of time students have to listen to you.

Use Silence

It’s too easy to fill every minute with sixty seconds full of speech. Instead, add in dramatic pauses and leave sentences hanging to add excitement to what you are saying.

Many teachers get the attention of their class without using their voice at all. Remember to decide exactly what you expect your students to do and practise it with them. Consistency is key. Reward those who stop quickly to encourage others to join in.

You could try:

  • Hand signals
  • Clapping patterns
  • A musical instrument

Looking After Your Voice

A 2008 survey undertaken by the Royal National Institute for the Deaf found that teachers in around 60 percent of schools complain of vocal problems.

Your voice is essential, so remember to look after it.

  • Hydration: Drink throughout the day whilst you are teaching. Skip the caffeine and try herbal teas, squash or juice if you’re not a fan of water.
  • Posture: Sit up and relax your shoulders to help your voice travel efficiently.
  • Breathing and relaxation: Practise slow and deep breathing or meditation exercises to avoid stress building.
  • Ventilation: Classrooms can be dry, dusty places, especially if you teach a subject like Art or DT. Open windows and doors wherever possible to allow fresh air into your room.
  • Warm up your voice: Just like an actor, warm up your voice before teaching and in between lessons. There are loads of YouTube videos full of ideas, like this one from Voice Science:

Your Teacher Voice

Getting your teacher voice right takes practise. If you are struggling with behaviour management, consider recording yourself or asking a colleague to observe you using this blog post as a guide.


  • Go low and loud for attention
  • Vary how you speak to keep interest
  • Think about how you speak and what you are saying
  • Look after your voice with basic self-care

Nailing your teacher voice is a simple way to transform behaviour without expensive training schemes or resources. Simple changes can have a profound impact on the way you communicate with your students. It’s the easy way to a happier classroom environment.



Helly Douglas
Age of Awareness

Helly Douglas is a writer specialising in parenting & education. When she’s not writing, you will find her in a classroom or battling against her garden.