8 Ways to Make Your Cosmetics More Eco-Friendly

For those of us stuck in limbo, loving both the environment and make-up

Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)
Published in
9 min readSep 11, 2019


Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

I won’t deny it — I love cosmetics.

I find peace in the ritual of them; a form of semi-twisted self-care for me — putting on a facial mask, brushing serum through my hair, putting on my daily make-up…

I love it.

And I know I’m not the only one.

The global cosmetics market was valued at $532 billion in 2017, with a forecasted market value of $863 billion in 2024 — an increase of 7% in just as many years.

In the UK alone, the cosmetics market is worth £17 billion, which roughly equates to just over £250 per person.

That’s a lot of money spent on cosmetics.

So we can see that the market is massive, so there are a lot of us buying cosmetics every year.

Unfortunately, the impact on the environment is staggering and sickening:



Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)

Writer • Marketer • Advocate for equal rights and sustainable living • Feminist • Poet • Triphalangeal thumbs • https://linktr.ee/tassia.aga