Your job interview performance will improve with practice. (Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash cropped to fit).

Master Your Responses to These 3 Bullshit Job Interview Questions

Every question is an invitation for you to show your greatness

Thomas P Seager, PhD
Published in
11 min readFeb 17, 2019


I teach a university class called Engineering Business Practices. The course covers teamwork, leadership, finance, ethics, and communication skills.

If you had to smash an MBA into a 3 credit, junior-level engineering course at an enormous public state university, you couldn’t do much better than my Engineering Business Practices course.

One of the things that I do to liven up my 105-person classroom lectures is use some exercises from improvisational theater. I’ve written a little bit about this in Teaching Teamwork = Tacit Knowledge, and in Teach Empathy to Build Teamwork.

Today two of my former students took those lessons to a new level.

These two enjoyed the introductory improv exercises they did last semester so much that they started a club for engineering students who wanted to learn more. They’ve been practicing every Saturday, and today they invited me to join them to help role play for their upcoming job interviews.

