Meditation Can be Anything

And anyone can do it

Amanda O’Bryan
Age of Awareness


Photo by Katya Austin on Unsplash

These are rule-less times. Times when it might be best to throw out what’s “normal” and start over. I just read a list of things that you shouldn’t feel obligated to do right now. One of the items on the list was, “you don’t have to meditate” during the quarantine.

A record number of people are considering taking up meditation right now. Still, maybe to you, it feels like yet another thing you should be doing, and that feels overwhelming and suffocating.

Like baking bread. Why is everyone baking bread right now? I’m baking a lot, but it’s cookies. All the cookies, but bread feels a little daunting.

I’m here to tell you that baking can be meditation. Cookies can be meditation. Meditation is a tool, and it can be applied to anything.

Working meditation

When I was on a silent retreat in North Carolina, after our morning sit, we would have breakfast, and then do “working meditation” for an hour. A the beginning of the retreat, everyone was assigned a task, such as cleaning the bathrooms or washing dishes.

My group was assigned yard work. They gave us several options, raking leaves, weeding beds, and those of us who were used to yard work were free to improvise. The groundskeeper said several times, “You…

